Tuesday, January 24, 2017

                                                                                                                                                                    Feature of coast erosion
Wave cut platforms;                                                                                                                                  This is the remnant of previous offline they form a ledge of bed rock left behind as a cliff retreats this platform about 4-5 degree angle down area, this formed by abrasion process, hydraulic action and solution,until form a notch the notch enlarge until formed a wave cut platform which characterized by gentle sloping angle, hard rock and rock pools which develop coastal ecosystem.

Caves, arches stack and stamp
This formed by depend the force of sea as result of  so it is slowly eroded wave reflection and destructive wave concentrate their energy of all three side of headland when the large crack opened up by hydraulic action then the crack grows into a cave by hydraulic action and abrasion .then the cave become a larger.

Arch                                                                                                                                                              Is formed when the cave breaks through the headland forming a natural arch.

Headland and bay
These are mostly found in discordant coastline where the cliff is subject to differentiate rate of erosion, due to bands of varying distant geology .bays are sheltered low energy y and has weak geology and erode faster e.g. clay, and bay is consist of more resistant rock e.g. limestone.

This formed when the arch eroded and collapse after the weight of arch increases.
Stump                                                                                                                                                        The stack is eroded forming a stump and decrease its weight.

Blowhole and Geo                                                                                                                                    Continuous wave erosion of abrasion and hydraulic action against the cliff with cave makes the hole of the cave to be more enlarged to reach the top of the cliff to form feature called blowhole. Overtime the roof of the blowhole may collapse to produce a long, narrow inlet called geo.
Coastal prepositional feature

Beach                                                                                                                                                        Is a huge and deposits of material on the shoreline. it produce after material like sand and shingle to be accumulated over extensive area of shoreline .hence this is always recognized by lying in between of the low lying in between of the low tide and high tide level

Barrier beach
Is the long ridge like deposits lie parallel to the main coast this is separated from the coast by depression called lows and this depression is may be occupied by seawater to produce water lagoon.

Spit                                                                                                                                                            Is long narrow accumulation of materials into the sea from land .most of the spits is produced in areas where there is a river deposition its materials.Some of spit appear to be hooked .spit can be too long or short. Spit can be long or short because of the following reason                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1. Depth of the oce
 2.Amount of material deposit
 3 Strength of the wave action ,tides and ocean current .e.g. of spit which formed at  the mouth of Madjerda river (Tunisia)
Is a ridge of materials which lies parallel to the coast but not attached to the coast land

Is a spit that connects the island
Tombolo is produced after a spit to join the island and mainland .A good example is N.E Somalia which is 20 km long .sometime spit start to grow from the island and other one start to grow from mainland this produce double tombolo .a good example of double tombolo is that of Monte Argentina in Italy.

Is produce if two hooked spits join and encloses sea water to form lagoon .

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