Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It is formed when small water droplets combine together to form large drops.

An earthquake is a sudden earth movement or vibration in the crust.The scientific study and interpretation of earthquakes is called seismology.                                                                                               
CAUSES OF EARTHQUAKES                                                                                                              

 1. Movement or sliding of tectonic plate, when tectonic plates meet they cause stress and fracture of the crustal rocks.This sudden action causes release of energy which generates shock waves which shake the earth.
2. Volcanic eruption or movement of magma below or on the earth’s surface, where high pressure in the crust pushes out magma strongly and causes vibration.                                           
3. Locally earthquakes may be caused by mass wasting, falling of meteors, from the space and human activities such as quarrying by using explosives and movement of big animals 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

                                                                                                                                                                    Feature of coast erosion
Wave cut platforms;                                                                                                                                  This is the remnant of previous offline they form a ledge of bed rock left behind as a cliff retreats this platform about 4-5 degree angle down area, this formed by abrasion process, hydraulic action and solution,until form a notch the notch enlarge until formed a wave cut platform which characterized by gentle sloping angle, hard rock and rock pools which develop coastal ecosystem.

Caves, arches stack and stamp
This formed by depend the force of sea as result of  so it is slowly eroded wave reflection and destructive wave concentrate their energy of all three side of headland when the large crack opened up by hydraulic action then the crack grows into a cave by hydraulic action and abrasion .then the cave become a larger.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Vulcanicity or volcanism refers to range of process by which molten materials and gases are either intruded (injected) into the earth’s crust or extruded (ejected) onto the surface.

A distinction can be made between volcanism and vulcanicity . Volcanism is a broader term which includes both extrusive and intrusive igneous activities, while volcanicity refers to the extrusive activities in which the materials are  forced out onto the surface. The features formed by extrusive vulcanicity  includes volcanoes. Volcanoes are the hills (mounds) formed due to the accumulation of lava.
Intrusive vulcanicity is the process in which the materials are injected into the earth’s crust forming different intrusive features, both plutonic and hypabysal features. When a molten materials are still inside the earth’s crust they are referred to as magma but on reaching the surfaces they are referred to as a lava.
Magma and lava can either be acidic, if there is a lot of silica or basic if there is less silica, with large proportion of metallic materials. Acidic lava is viscous while basic lava is less viscous (runny), hence tends to flow to great distances and occupy  a large area.

Monday, January 16, 2017

If a rock slides off of a mountain and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Well, I don't know about the noise this activity would create, but I do know that mountains erode and that rocks and debris can slide and fall down mountain slopes in massive amounts. In this lesson, you will learn about a process called mass wasting and the factors that cause this movement of material.
Mass wasting, which is sometimes called mass movement or slope movement, is defined as the large movement of rock, soil and debris downward due to the force of gravity. In other words, the earth's outer crust is being 'wasted' away on a 'massive' scale and falling to lower elevations.
Mass wasting is a type of erosion, and it is capable of making big changes to the side of a mountain. These changes can happen suddenly, as in one minute the rock is there and the next it is gone, or it can happen more slowly over time. You might think of this process as a landslide, and this term is sometimes used interchangeably with mass wasting. However, the term landslide is a bit limiting and does not allow for a description of the many different triggers and types of erosion that can happen on this large of a scale